Late Payment Information:

When you sign up with us on an instalment plan, it is expected that payment is sent by standing order on the 1st of the month.

You must use your account reference on ALL payments, the reference is valid for one academic year only.

Standing orders can be set up through your internet banking or there is a form on our website that can be completed (by you) and you can post or take it directly to your bank. Please DO NOT set up the standing order to continue after the 1st of March. Extra payments cannot be allocated anywhere and we reserve the right to charge an admin fee for any overpayments we have to return.

The unique reference number MUST be used as the reference for your standing order or we will not be able to process your payment. This is allocated automatically by computer, so please make sure that your records are accurate or your payment will be missed. If you have more than one ticket, you must set up a separate standing order for each one. If you are joining us during the academic year or have made a payment that isn’t on the first of the month, we recommend sending us an email to confirm you have made your payment and confirm the date.

Payments MUST be set up to be paid on the 1st of each month and your final payment set for 1st March. Any missed payments may result in the pass being cancelled and travel refused until the account has been brought up to date. If it is difficult for you to make payments on the 1st, standing orders should be set up for your preferred date but started a month in advance.

Our bank details are

HSBC – Beaver Bus Limited
Sort code 40-28-40
Account no. 80017892

If you have missed the payment start date of the 1st, please make a one off bacs payment and then set up your SO from the 1st of the next month.

If you have received an SMS with an outstanding balance and believe this is incorrect, you MUST make contact with us. It could be that you have incorrectly input your reference, are using an old reference or no reference and your payment is not being allocated to your account. It needs to be dealt with.

Thank you for signing up with Beaver Bus and for your support with our services.