Beaver Bus Limited

Please use our contact form to get in touch.

Our office telephone availability can vary from time to time; we may work away from the office and respond to emails in unsocial hours.

We aim to open the bus service telephone line between 09:00 and 15:00 Monday to Friday, staff permitting. However if you are unable to contact us by phone at any time, please use our contact form below for an immediate response.

Do not attend the offices without an appointment.


    1. Name
    2. Passenger Reference
    3. Email
    4. Phone
    5. Address Line 1
    6. Town / City
    7. County
    8. Postcode
    9. Information Request
    10. [group Replacement-Pass-group][/group] [group Missed-Payments-group][/group] [group Lost-Property-group][/group] [group Service-Problems-and-Lateness-group][/group] [group Bus-Allocations-group][/group] [group Refunds-group][/group] [group Free-School-Transport-group][/group] [group Complaints-group][/group] [group Other-group][/group]
    11. Other Information Request
    12. I Agree To The Terms